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Tire Defects and Victims’ Rights



Tire defects cause many car accidents. If drivers use defective tires, they can put everyone on the road in danger. Recalls are usually only conducted after many accidents have occurred because of a defective product. Tire defects should never be taken lightly.  Tire defects are usually caused by either the manufacturer or negligence.

Defect Caused By Manufacturer

If a tire defect results from production, the manufacturer and dealers have to make a proper recall. Tires should not be used if they are more than six years old, even if they look fine. Older tires are more likely to cause blowouts, resulting in car crashes.

Manufacturers must be very precise when making tires so that they are safe for the road. For instance, the temperature and humidity in the factory must be just right. Otherwise, the tire treads can peel off from each other while the tire is being used. This can result in a serious car accident.  

If manufacturers and dealers know certain tires are defective and fail to make a proper recall or discontinue the sale of the tires, they could be held liable for any accidents.

Defect Caused By Negligence

Defective tires are not always caused by the manufacturer. Tires can also become defective if they are used too much or installed incorrectly.  Tire defects related to  negligence can include mismatching of the tires, improper installation of the tire on the rim, overloading of the tire and excessive wear down of the tire.

Vehicle owners and service facility workers can both be held responsible for this type of negligence. If they did not take the proper steps to keep the vehicle safe and an injury or death occurs, they may be sued. Tire defect cases can be quite complex, so it helps to have legal assistance on your side.

If you were injured in a car accident caused by a tire defect, you deserve to talk to a personal injury lawyer such as the car accident lawyer Central Phoenix, AZ locals trust.. He or she can evaluate your case and determine if you have a viable claim. If you do have a strong case, your lawyer can help you pursue a lawsuit and obtain compensation for your injuries. He or she can negotiate a fair settlement with insurance adjusters and make sure you are not taken advantage of. If you have a skilled lawyer on your side, you may feel better about your entire situation.

kamper estrada attorneys at law phoenix arizonaThanks to authors at Kamper Estrada LLP for their insight into Personal Injury Law.